Our enemy from inner space.

If 4 million people had been killed by an alien invasion from outer space these last 18 months, there would likely be a state of pandemonium on Earth today. Doomsday prophets would be having a heyday.
Instead we are now marching into the arms of our new enemy from inner space by trying to ignore him until he gathers enough strength to scare us again.
That is how COVID 'waves' are created, by way of the interaction between ourselves and the virus.
And COVID is winning, while we keep our heads in the sand, hoping for the illusory 'herd immunity'.
New, more potent variants are continually emerging from areas of high infection rates, as the virus adapts to our feeble countermeasures.
I believe Africa will prove to be the source of even more potent variants in the future, due to the lack of protection for local people.


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