Long term effects of the Great Pandemic.

What we now call World War One used to be called "The Great War" before world wide hostilities broke out again in 1939.
It earned that name because it shook the foundations of western society and permanently altered the world of its day. Add to that the death toll of the 1918 flu pandemic which far oustripped war casualty numbers.
We are now back in the conditions that have traditionally caused profound societal changes. Pressures for change have been building for years with wealth shifting into fewer hands based on an exploitative underlying philosophy dominating the prevailing mindset.
The unleashing of COVID on the world, whether intentional or not, has become a trigger for change, unleashing forces akin to those of a gun being fired.
All of a sudden, there is money everywhere, as states authorize their central banks to 'let 'er rip' right across the globe.
This happened in the 1920ies as well fueling an economic boom that came to an end in 1929 with the stock market crash and subsequent depression in the 1930ies, when money seemed to disappear.
The wheel then turned full circle with the outbreak of another war in 1939.
Are we going to repeat that mistake again?


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