Premier Jason Kenney's strategy

The (not so) United Conservative Party board did a flip flop on how to conduct the internal leadership question vote a little while ago.

Originally planned for a venue capable of dealing with some 2000+ people in attendance, something had to change in order to accommodate 15,000 registrants wanting to vote on whether Kenney should remain party leader.

Several options were available to the party board, including the use of The Westerner Park facility in Red Deer.

Instead, after many ruminations, the board decided on a mail in vote conducted during April, rather than an in-person vote on April 9, as originally planned.

This is where it gets interesting, Kenney has been busy conducting telephone town halls with members of the party (two of which I have participated in with more to come), and also has a one hour phone in show on local radio stations every Saturday morning from 10am to 11am.

In other words, he is "blitzing" the electorate with his version of why he should stay in power in order to bypass the perceived hardcore anti-Kenney people prepared to pay $99 to vote in Red Deer.

And the rules were changed after the closing date for registrations to the event.

The initial party leadership contest between Jason Kenney and Brian Jean is still being investigated for irregularities, including a "black horse" candidate working for Kenney, and has not passed the smell test.

Funny how stench has a tendency to persist...


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