Living in a fool's paradise

Most pre- and post-millenials who have grown up in the western world have not experienced real hardship, compared to previous generations who have faced war, pestilence and famine to various degrees over time.
I remember living in the Australian outback back in the seventies and eighties and going through a drought where local cattle died from thirst and starvation in the middle of waterholes left in the river bed after the river stopped flowing.
They had just had enough energy left to drag themselves into the water to drink, and, having filled up their bellies with water, died there because they did not have the strength left to get out of the water.
I depended on that water for my household, so I used a "comealong" to drag the corpses onto the riverbank, so that they could decompose there, rather than contaminating the water in the riverbed.
There are those who try to minimize the impacts of what is happening on our world today. To those I say:
"You are like the virgin soldiers who marched off to the battle front in wars past and had to learn the hard way".


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