The problem with physics

The science we call "Physics" evolved over time to describe patterns observed in the behaviour of physical objects as they interact under the influence of forces acting upon them in the observed environment.
We applied measurements of quantity and quality to what was observed by developing instruments that give numerical or categories of "kind" as answers to "how much" and "what".
These same instruments have also greatly extended the range of our observations, such as telescopes, microscopes and stethoscopes, for example.
In doing so, we are now discovering that the ground rules that we have established for our physics do not apply in the extreme micro and macro worlds of spinning electrons and swirling binary stars.
The very idea of such a thing as an "object" does not really apply in highly energetic environments, for example.
So, to move on, we have to be prepared to put our sensory derived common cozy conceptions on the shelf and open our minds to totally new and different 'realities'.


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