Alberta vs Norway

In terms of COVID response, the populations of Norway and Alberta, not very different in size, are polar opposites.
Alberta deaths as at today: 2,594. Norway 850. How come?
I think I know part of the answer: It is about the collective experiences of the two populations over the last century.
In contrast to Norwegians, Albertans have never really had to face a serious external threat and the need to stand shoulder to shoulder to face that threat - until now.
On April 9, 1940, Norway became a political football between the German and English war machines, with the Germans beating the English in invading Norway by approximately one week.
At that time Norway was divided by the prevailing ideologies of the day, not unlike what we are experiencing at this time.
So, the Germans walked in, took control, and the rest is history, as they say.
Norwegians learned their lesson the hard way: Together we stand, divided we fall.


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