What can we learn from the Romans?

The Roman Empire existed for a very long time in various forms, and in many ways resemble the arrangement that prevails in the western world today.
How did they keep it together, with multitudes of factions competing with each other for power?
One way was through the fostering of sports activities of many kinds, including blood sports, etc.
We are now learning, the hard way, about what happens when sports go on the backburner during a pandemic, allowing animosities between opposing groups to grow and find release in very negative ways in the absence of organized sports.
This medium that I am now using has proven itself to be an excellent amplifier of this phenomenon.
The Romans had it figured out: "Keep 'em busy and preoccupied
so we can get on with the business of running the show!"
And that is what will likely happen as things settle down with the ongoing pandemic in the background.
How so?
Because the people who effectively run the Western Empire of today are the descendants of those that controlled the Roman Empire, and they learned the ropes from their ancestors.
Hint: There is a Town on the coast of Israel called "Caesarea" ; )


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