Metaphysical speculation

George Orwell (Eric Blair), the famous author of "Animal Farm" and "1984", among other works, used to work in the British Imperial Civil Service during his early years, as a policeman in Burma, as I recall.
A statement he made in reflecting upon that time in his life, when a local person was executed for something he had done, has stuck with me:
"A universe ceased to exist"
Over the years, that statement has given me pause for reflection on many a time, especially following a car accident in 2011 when I was knocked out cold for about half an hour and took some time to realize where I was and what had happened.
One way to 'look' at things is as follows: What we perceive, feel and understand is a product of our material bodily structure and the many forces acting upon same.
'The Universe' is an aggregate of the above and give us a sense of who and what we are within the grander scheme of things.
Now, let's put ourselves into the shell of a prawn, for example. Its 'Universe' is rather different from ours, but shared between fellow prawns.
Or a creeping vine, searching for something to hang on to. Its 'Universe' is very different from anything we can imagine.
So, if all human life ceased to exist, the 'Universe' we created among us, would be gone as well. Other 'universes' would persist along with their hosts.


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