Any aliens around?

There have been reported sightings of unidentified flying objects for years and the general assumption has been that they may originate from outer space somewhere, likely because they are observed in-flight.
There are also verified observations of these things disappearing into the ocean, rather than into space, after a recorded flight.
That suggests to me that they may have their origins there, in inner space, rather than coming from somewhere amongst the stars.
Is it possible that some kind of superior life emerged in the oceans of Earth, which is now taking an interest in what happens on land, not unlike us exploring the oceans from our land based vantage point?
Or, that the oceans have been chosen as a suitable observation platform by some extra terrestrial intelligence, from which to operate with impunity?
Anyway, this may be a good reason for focusing our explorations on inner space, rather than just what happens above our heads.


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