A familiar pattern.

I have been an observer of conservative politics in Alberta for a number of years now and have noticed the inability of people on that side of the political spectrum to work together in larger groups towards a common goal over time.
Splinter groups invariably form and take off in their own directions in the mistaken belief that the rest will follow them, feeling comfortable in their own righteousness.
The so called "United Conservative Party" here in Alberta was formed to topple the sitting NDP government and did so in the 2019 election under the leadership of Jason Kenney, our present Premier of Alberta.
The party was formed from remnants of the Progressive Conservative Party and the Wildrose Party by people of rather nuanced convictions, but willing to hold their noses in order to replace the Notley government.
Now the honeymoon is well and truly over with a small and arrogant clique of cabinet ministers pushing their own agenda and losing the support of conservative groups on their left and right.
The latest "balcony dining" incident where members of the inner clique were seen to break their own rules on social distancing, has just added to the discontent within the party.
A familiar pattern of self destruction within conservative circles.


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