MLA Todd Loewen walks.

Things are likely coming to a head this morning in the UCP in the weekly UCP Caucus meeting happening at this time.
This in light of an open letter from Caucus Chair Todd Loewen directing scathing criticism at Premier Kenney and his cabinet team and resigning as caucus chair.
Depending on the reaction of the rest of the caucus membership, Kenney's only real choice is to expel Loewen from caucus.
Furthermore, Loewen stated that he would continue to serve as a UCP MLA in the legislature.
I can't see that happening unless Kenney chooses to step down from the premiership, which is highly unlikely unless forced to do so based on a popular revolt within the party.
Rumors have been circulating before about the Premier threatening to call an early election if his leadership is seriously challenged.
Jason Kenney was part of cobbling together the UCP from the remnants of the Progressive Conservative Party and the Wildrose Party following the 2016 election, and likely sees it as 'his' party.
In light of that, I am thinking that an early election is a distinct possibility.


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