Why does Big Brother like 5G?

Because it enables him to weasel inside our heads. Let me explain:
Each and every human being has a 'footprint', both physically and mentally.
We are shaped by many forces, all the way from the womb to the grave and Big Brother really likes the idea of being able to mould us into what He wants us to be, rather than finding our own way and marginalizing His power over us.
And then there are a lot of Little Brothers who, like Big Brother, use us as feedstock for their human mind moulding business as well.
To this end, the internet has proven itself to be a valuable tool for the power players. Ever wondered why there are so many 'free' services out there?
Data collection on behaviors is the answer. A highly marketable and valuable commodity in today's world.
Now, it so happens that 5G networks hugely expand the ability to collect detailed information on each and every one of us from the embedded little 'spies' in consumer devices we use every day.
That information can, in turn, be used as a key to get inside our heads and manipulate our beliefs and behaviors without us even knowing about it:
"I looove Big Brother!"


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