Repeating history

How a pandemic unfolds is a function of two main factors: The way the bug in question behaves and how people behave in response.
A dance on a deadly floor.
The bug's behavior is entirely predictable: It is an opportunistic entity looking for any opening available to multiply itself.
To this end, it is helped by Nature to modify itself and its attack strategy by random changes that makes it better suited to invade our cells and use the cell to facilitate its own multiplication.
In response, we take protective and aggressive measures to counter the onslaught, based on our ability for teamwork in order to create a unified front.
That's where problems are arising at this time: Ideological conflicts are creating cracks in the wall of our fortress against the bug, who is laughing all the way to its bank.
Alberta is now becoming one of those 'cracks in the wall' letting the new variants have their way, spreading rapidly.
Real fear seems to be the only way to modify personal behavior and visible dead bodies are needed before people come to their senses.
Its like denying that a war is taking place until the bombs are exploding around you.


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