Oh Justin, where art thou?

Back in the 70ies, during the heady days of "flower power", long haired hippies used to sit in a circle, pass the joint around and solve the problems of the world.
All the while collecting the dole from the government and trading some dope for an extra buck.
Fast forward about 50 years and they are still doing it, except now they have grey hair and ride in private jets to Davos and other holiday destinations while collecting the dole from private foundations.
Our Precious Justin, being a second generation hippie, just announced his new marvellous plan for solving Canada's vaccine problem in statement with a familiar theme: "We are going to".
Remember, he "was going to" change the electoral laws, make sure that our aboriginal communities have drinkable water, etc.
What he actually did was to legalize dope, so that everybody else can join him at the table when the joint is passed around and dream about how they are going to re-shape the world according to their fantasies.
Oh, Justin, your art class is waiting for you.


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