Beating COVID.

What has being towed in glider got to do with virus spread? Let's see:
Some years ago I took glider flying lessons at a local airport where a tow plane was used to get the glider up to 2000 feet above ground level before the tow rope was released.
The hardest part of that flight was to stay steady behind the tow plane as it took off and worked its way skyward. Especially if there was a bit of wind and turbulence to contend with.
Sitting in the front of the glider cockpit with the instructor behind me, the towplane was literally dancing on the windscreen in front of me, as I desperately tried to keep it centered by moving the stick and rudder pedals.
After many flights and lots of wild dances behind the towplane, I finally cottoned on to the fact that my reactions to towplane movements ahead of me were way too slow.
When I really focussed on what that plane was doing and instantly corrected the glider's direction to suit, the towplane became docile on the windscreen in front of me. And the instructor stopped yelling : )
The B 117 COVID variant can easily get away on us in a hot spot if we don't jump on it as soon as it appears.
Complete focus and instant reaction is the way to beat it.


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