New President, now what?

Watched the ceremony, very cliquey. There they are: the Obamas, the Bushes, the Clintons and many other establishment figures.
Some very sorry looking characters there as well: Mitch McConnell and Mike Pence whose party has been torn apart by the mob that stormed the Capitol two weeks ago.
And the Black Knight has returned to his lair in Florida, there to ponder next steps.
My crystal ball looks kinda blank right now, so I have to turn, once again, to history for some guidance.
In the past, before the creation of nation-states, local warlords used to rule the roost, controlling limited geographical areas by force.
They were constantly warring among themselves, building alliances and feuding in an ever changing mosaic across the landscape.
So, will Trump now try to build a local power base in Florida, after things settle down? And will other "strong men" in different parts of the US try something similar?
One can only speculate, but one thing is for sure: 74 million voters are not going to be embracing Joe Biden anytime soon.


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