Is climate change a big deal?

Right out of the chute, for those that vehemently deny climate change, this has always been happening, in one form or another since the clock started ticking.
But how big of a deal is it at the present time?
It makes perfect sense that a change in the gaseous composition of the planet's atmosphere will change weather patterns which in turn will change air and ocean currents, as the Earth turns around its own axis.
We know that large volcanoes erupting in the past have blotted out the sun for many years, cooling the planet and causing massive life extinctions.
But life comes back, always, albeit in a slightly different form so as to adapt to prevailing new conditions.
And that includes us humans. Who is to say that we did not evolve from a more primitive stage to our present one as a result of a major shift in weather/climate?
So, Greta, when the climate changes, let some of us evolve to a yet higher stage of adaptability to Nature, instead of believing that we are all going to kick the bucket.
You gotta be positive girl!


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