Going to War

The time has now come to go on the offensive in this war against COVID.
And make no mistake, this is War with over two million casualties so far.
To date, the strategy has been to run away from the virus with social isolation etc.
Trying to keep the virus out of our lungs where it really thrives.
We have to start killing the beast instead of just running and ultra violet radiation is arguably one of the best tools readily available.
Both the science behind, and technology to implement a UV offensive is well established and UV Air Purifier units are readily available commercially at this time, for any size indoor spaces.
To get going, all you need is an electrical power outlet.
Vaccines are a great longer term tool, but let us not kid ourselves, the virus is way ahead of any major vaccination campaigns.
This new weapon we have, UV air purifiers, has not been available in any other major pandemic outbreaks in human history and we need to adjust out thinking to take advantage of them right now.
Bring it on COVID!


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