Collateral damage.

COVID is a near perfect weapon if you want to take down an organized society because it exploits pre-existing tensions between members of that society:
It creates enough death to engender real fear at the professional levels of the society, but not enough to alarm the general populace.
The result is that controls have to be imposed on the general population, against their will, to alleviate the fears of professionals for uncontrolled spread.
This serves to magnify differences in outlook and belief of various societal groups, weakening the fabric of society.
In other words, COVID is a near perfect biological weapon.
History is, once again, a great teacher: How could a small group of Spaniards bring down the Inca and Aztec empires of South and Central America?
They scouted out pre-existing differences between groups within those empires and exploited them.
And, "Rule Britannia, Britannia rule the waves!" the Brits used exactly the same tactic to establish their empire.
Oh Sol, what is new under thy umbrella?


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