Alberta set to take another hit.

Today, January 4, 2021 many Albertans lost faith in their provincial government after it was revealed that senior politicians and bureaucrats had ignored travel constraints asked of the people of Alberta by themselves.
Blatant disregard of the rules laid down for everybody to minimize COVID transmission has ignited public anger at the level of hypocrisy attained in Alberta.
The likely response by a lot of Albertans will be: “If they can do it so can I. Time to socialize! Yeehaa!” And so they will.
Tonight British Prime Minister Boris Johnson put his own nation back in full lockdown as of this coming Wednesday due to the rapid spread of the new COVID variant in that country.
And we know that the variant is already present here in Canada. So we are set for a perfect storm, with many Albertans believing that the whole pandemic is nothing but a pile of bullshit.
A lot of people need to see bodies in the street before they will accept that COVID is more than a creation of somebody’s fancy.


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