US Election

November 6, 2020


Some reflections on the US election:
As I write, a potentially explosive situation is developing to the south of us here in Canada:
One side firmly believes that a communist "coup d'etat" is unfolding at this time and that votes are being rigged to unseat President Trump to replace him with a communist puppet of the New World Order. And that the pandemic is simply a tool to achieve subordination of "We The People".
The other side believes that the pandemic is a deadly threat and that government rules must be followed in order to stay on top of the virus. The other side also believes that Trump and his cohort are a grotesque aberration of what a president and his team should be.
In the developing circumstances of a very close vote, I don't think Trump will concede to Biden under any circumstances, setting the stage for a full-on confrontation.
Large scale violence is always preceded by demonizing the other side and that has been going on for some time already, both in the US and Canada.
So we await developments, knowing from history that it is mostly the innocent that will pay the price.


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