The "Great Reset"?


I have been involved in politics and the media for the better part of a lifetime.
As a teenager in Norway, I used to play around on our radio, on shortwave, listening to European stations, including Radio Moscow.
It used to spew out a continuous stream of propaganda about how great the Soviet Union was, how much steel was produced last month, etc., etc.

What I have essentially learnt over time is that any political system, irrespective of its ideological origins, gravitates towards the same end over time: A centralized self serving bureaucracy with a relatively small "elite" at the top.
This was true of Benito Mussolini's Italy (Fascism), Adolph Hitler's Germany (National Socialism), Mao Ze Dong's China ( Chinese style Communism) and Stalin's Russia (Soviet style Communism).
The roots of all these systems are in ideologies that are appealing to a large segment of the population, depending on the circumstances of the day.
But they all end up in the same place, usually with a clique of half a dozen individuals, holding all the strings of power.
These individuals invariable begin to believe that they have some kind of special sanction from a higher power to lead their nation to glory, as defined by their own fantasies.
They begin to live in a silo of their own making and are only open to ideas from other people that reflect their own pet theories.
That's when things start to go sideways for them, as people at large begin to see them for who they really are, as opposed to who they pretend to be.
And the ultimate result is not pretty: Benito Mussolini, along with his beautiful mistress and other cohorts, ended up hanging like fish from a wooden drying rack to the great joy of a surrounding crowd.
In Baghdad, Iraq, in 1958, the young British installed puppet "King" was killed, and the effective ruler, his uncle, was dragged behind a car down main street as the crowd cut him to pieces.
I was was there in 1961 with my family and heard first hand accounts.
The "Great Reset"?
Oh yeah, Justin Trudeau is already part of the globalist self appointed "elite" and is traveling down the same chute. He was groomed for the role as a child, as prospective "Kings" usually are, and is living in his own silo.


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