Bolshevism vs National Socialism

Having viewed a lot of video news footage from the war years in Norway when that nation was occupied by German forces dispatched by the Hitler administration in Germany, I have had an opportunity to gain some insight into the mentality of the time.

After the Germans just beat the British by about one week and invaded Norway on April 9, 1940, Vidkun Quisling, a Norwegian politician and creator of the "Nasjonal Samling" (National Gathering)
political movement, declared himself to be the new Prime Minister of Norway when the sitting Nygaardsvold administration fled to Britain.

He and his chosen helpers then became a puppet group serving the interests of the Germans for the remainder of the war.

The justification for the existence of the movement was to fight the Bolshevik Monster coming from the east by rekindling national pride and organizing Norwegians in the same way as had been done in Germany by the National Socialists: Democratic principles were thrown out the door as individuals in the movement established themselves in their new roles according to the ideology behind "Das Fuhrerprinzip" (Leader Principle) invented for himself by Adolph Hitler.

More to follow.


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