Premier Kenney’s problem
Alberta’s Premier Jason Kenney has a blind spot and it might lead to his political undoing. He sailed onto the political scene here in Alberta some time ago after enjoying some years in the sun in Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s federal cabinet in Ottawa. As a seasoned political operator, he had little difficulty in managing to rally Albertan conservatives around himself with a promise of unseating the then Premier of Alberta, Rachel Notley, and her NDP government. Following the formation of the United Conservative Party of Alberta and a dirty leadership campaign, the UCP won government in the 2019 election and Kenney was installed as Premier. Ever since then, his fortunes as leader have been flagging, within his own party and in the population at large. The problem is that Kenney does not really fit into the conservative Albertan political framework. He is viewed with suspicion by the party base as a closet liberal and by people at large as someone with federal focus and ambitions, tr...